Friday, October 22, 2010

It Wasnt Easy

"O, I die, Horatio." (Act 5, Scence2)

Safely arriving back on my land, Horatio and I walked on a graveyard. Messing around with the graverobbers we had a little bit fun and joked with them. But further along the graveyard there was a burial taking place. It was none other than my love, Ophelia. Full of emotions I began to cry and lost my focus and admitted to loving her. Jumping into the burial I didn't realize that Leartus was there. Ive hated Ophelia's brother for some time now. Accusing me of killing his sister we got into a fight.

Furthermore after the fight i explained to Horatio that during my voyage I discovered a letter from Claudius. It  contained specific instruction to the king of England to execute me. So using my writing and the kings signature I wrote a fake letter and replaced with the other. Tying up Guildenstern and Rosencrants, the letter instructs their execution instead of mine. After explaining that I was asked to fight Leartus to a fencing duel and accepted. 

We each got our swords and began fencing. Getting a hit Claudius offered me a drink but I refused to drink it. Thirsty, my mother drank the wine instead of me and begins to feel ill. Leartus and I soon after, dropped our weapons and switched them. Having hit me already I began to grow weaker but all of sudden I killed Leartus. Before dying Leartus admits to have poisoned his sword and that the cup also contained Poison. First my mother dies and then Leartus.Leartus may not have been a friend but he respected me and admitted before he died. Furious and slowly dying i decide to stab Claudius with the poisoned sword and force him to drink the wine too.

Slowly dying I feel death closing in around me. Although my father, Ophelia, Polonius and Leartus are all dead I finally kept my word and avenged my father. As usual Horatio was on my side never letting me go and still being faithful. As my last wish I asked Horatio to ensure that everyone knows the truth and offer Fortinbras the Kingdom . Thank you Horatio for respecting my last wishes I hope that some day I will see you and may God bless you for I will never have a friend as caring as you Horatio see ya soon. 

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