Friday, October 22, 2010

Forgive Me God

"How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!"(Act 3, Scene 4)

Oh God please forgive me, ahhh what did I do!!!!!!!! By mistake I killed Polonius confusing him for my uncle. Oh Polonius why were you spying and hiding behind the curtains. Everything was going smoothly and things for once where going the way I planned.

At first I had I had a huge argument with Ophelia. Acting I expressed my feeling toward life, questioning life itself. Enraged I told Ophelia that I never loved her and to go to a nunnery. Hurt and deeply affected, she believed me and bought my act. After my encounter with her I spent my time working with the player(actors) that arrived the other day I was talking with Polonius. I asked them  to play a scene resembling the death of my father. The King, Queen, Ophelia and I watched the play and what a good job the players did. Reenacting every detail even the poison being dropped in the ears by his brother. Immediately after that scene Horatio and I confirmed our suspicion. Claudius screamed asking for the lights and ran to his room. Feeling accomplished and angry of the truth I followed him and went upstairs. Arriving at his room I took out my sword and was ready to kill him. But when I opened the door, I saw my poor uncle praying. Curse my uncle had he not been praying I would have killed him at that moment. Fearing that if I killed him there and then that he would go to heaven, I decided to wait for an opportunity to kill while performing any sinful act. After that I went to my mothers room and began to scream at her. I lost control and focus of what I was suppose to do. Yelling at her and asking for an explanation why she married my uncle I heard a voice behind the curtain and panicked. Quickly without haste I killed him and immediately saw it wasn't Claudius but Polonius. Once I killed him I continued to argue with my mom and right there and then, my father reappeared. Angry at me, my father told me to stop screaming at her and to keep my promise. As promised i didn't hurt my mom but i was crushed  from what my father said. I should have killed my uncle earlier but for now after hiding Polonius's corpse, I need to think what I will do now.

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