Friday, October 22, 2010

It Wasnt Easy

"O, I die, Horatio." (Act 5, Scence2)

Safely arriving back on my land, Horatio and I walked on a graveyard. Messing around with the graverobbers we had a little bit fun and joked with them. But further along the graveyard there was a burial taking place. It was none other than my love, Ophelia. Full of emotions I began to cry and lost my focus and admitted to loving her. Jumping into the burial I didn't realize that Leartus was there. Ive hated Ophelia's brother for some time now. Accusing me of killing his sister we got into a fight.

Furthermore after the fight i explained to Horatio that during my voyage I discovered a letter from Claudius. It  contained specific instruction to the king of England to execute me. So using my writing and the kings signature I wrote a fake letter and replaced with the other. Tying up Guildenstern and Rosencrants, the letter instructs their execution instead of mine. After explaining that I was asked to fight Leartus to a fencing duel and accepted. 

We each got our swords and began fencing. Getting a hit Claudius offered me a drink but I refused to drink it. Thirsty, my mother drank the wine instead of me and begins to feel ill. Leartus and I soon after, dropped our weapons and switched them. Having hit me already I began to grow weaker but all of sudden I killed Leartus. Before dying Leartus admits to have poisoned his sword and that the cup also contained Poison. First my mother dies and then Leartus.Leartus may not have been a friend but he respected me and admitted before he died. Furious and slowly dying i decide to stab Claudius with the poisoned sword and force him to drink the wine too.

Slowly dying I feel death closing in around me. Although my father, Ophelia, Polonius and Leartus are all dead I finally kept my word and avenged my father. As usual Horatio was on my side never letting me go and still being faithful. As my last wish I asked Horatio to ensure that everyone knows the truth and offer Fortinbras the Kingdom . Thank you Horatio for respecting my last wishes I hope that some day I will see you and may God bless you for I will never have a friend as caring as you Horatio see ya soon. 

No More Excuses

"Therefore prepare thyself. The bark is ready and the wind at help, Th' associates tend, and everything is bent For England." (Act 4, Scene3)

 The ocean, the sounds of the waves relief the stress from me. As asked by Cladius and my mother I am currently on my way to England. But as usual I'm being treated like  a child, spied on. Rosencrants and Guildenstern are with me and although they were my friends they have become rather annoying and untrustworthy. What to do is unclear but i have a........oh look its the young prince Fortinbras's ships. Young Fortinbras is not afraid to go to battle and lose his life. Brave and valiant, Fontinbras has given me a solution. If Prince Fortinbras can be brave then so can I. For now on I will only think bloody thoughts no more excuses regardless of what my actions may be. But for now my priority is to go find a way back home.

System Of A Down- Streamline

Streamline Lyrics

I wasn't there for you
I wasn't there for you
I know weather's gonna be fine
But I can't see you 'cross the streamline
My love waits for me in daytime
But I can't see you through the snowblind

But I wasn't there for you
You are gone (I wasn't there for you)
Goodbyes are long
Goodbye (I wasn't there for you)
I wasn't there for goodbye
I wasn't there for goodbye

Well, I know time reveals in hindsight
I can't wrestle with the stormy night
Because your love lasts a lifetime
But I can see you through the snowblind

But I wasn't there for you
You are gone (I wasn't there for you)
Goodbyes are long
You are gone (I wasn't there for you)
Goodbyes are long

I wasn't there for you
I wasn't there
I wasn't there for you
I wasn't there for you
You are gone (I wasn't there for you)
Goodbyes are long

Immediately after hiding Polonius's body I began to hear music from System Of A Down. Hurt and feeling useless because I have failed to avenge my fathers death I listened to this song. I felt like I wasn't there for my father. Looking back I didn't get a chance to tell him that I loved him nor a simple good bye. But like the song says "Goodbyes are long and weathers gonna be fine", things will be fine. Now I must really focus and avenge my father. Father if you can hear i will avenge you and kill Claudius. Everything is going to be ok and now  I realize that the end is almost near. I wont let you down father.....

Forgive Me God

"How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!"(Act 3, Scene 4)

Oh God please forgive me, ahhh what did I do!!!!!!!! By mistake I killed Polonius confusing him for my uncle. Oh Polonius why were you spying and hiding behind the curtains. Everything was going smoothly and things for once where going the way I planned.

At first I had I had a huge argument with Ophelia. Acting I expressed my feeling toward life, questioning life itself. Enraged I told Ophelia that I never loved her and to go to a nunnery. Hurt and deeply affected, she believed me and bought my act. After my encounter with her I spent my time working with the player(actors) that arrived the other day I was talking with Polonius. I asked them  to play a scene resembling the death of my father. The King, Queen, Ophelia and I watched the play and what a good job the players did. Reenacting every detail even the poison being dropped in the ears by his brother. Immediately after that scene Horatio and I confirmed our suspicion. Claudius screamed asking for the lights and ran to his room. Feeling accomplished and angry of the truth I followed him and went upstairs. Arriving at his room I took out my sword and was ready to kill him. But when I opened the door, I saw my poor uncle praying. Curse my uncle had he not been praying I would have killed him at that moment. Fearing that if I killed him there and then that he would go to heaven, I decided to wait for an opportunity to kill while performing any sinful act. After that I went to my mothers room and began to scream at her. I lost control and focus of what I was suppose to do. Yelling at her and asking for an explanation why she married my uncle I heard a voice behind the curtain and panicked. Quickly without haste I killed him and immediately saw it wasn't Claudius but Polonius. Once I killed him I continued to argue with my mom and right there and then, my father reappeared. Angry at me, my father told me to stop screaming at her and to keep my promise. As promised i didn't hurt my mom but i was crushed  from what my father said. I should have killed my uncle earlier but for now after hiding Polonius's corpse, I need to think what I will do now.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

If Only She Knew

"Why,One fair daughter and no more,The which he lovèd passing well."(Act 2, Scene 2)

Who does that old fool, Polonius, think he is. It really was a weird a conversation talking about his daughter the young Ophelia. In a way I felt Polonius was not to pleased with me talking about her. Yet I cant help it,  I Love her. She may not be at the same social level like me but i don't care. Regardless of what that old fool thinks I intend on marrying her. Bur for know I must continue acting n pretend to be crazy. As part of my plan, I will act crazy and be depressed. Eventually this will help me get some evidence of my uncle's guilt.

I feel very embarrassed though walking into Ophelia's room that way.  Having my socks down and not dressed appropriately,  Ahhhh!!!!!!! That was unacceptable and very rude of me. If only she knew why I behaved in that manner. For now I will have to bear with the embarrassment and pain. I hope one day you can forgive me Ophelia and one day you will learn the truth.

I Knew It!!!!

"I find thee apt, And duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf,
Wouldst thou not stir in this. Now, Hamlet, hear. 'Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard,
A serpent stung me. So the whole ear of Denmark Is by a forgèd process of my death
Rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy father’s life
Now wears his crown." ( Act 1, Scene5)

 Today at night while roaming the halls,  a miracle took place. Thanks to Horatio I was able to see my deceased father. Ghostly with his beard, and wearing his armor; i saw my father!!!!! Filled with joy and grief, I listened attentively to my father explaining to me that he was suffering in purgatory. He went on revealing that it was my uncle Claudius who murdered him. Pouring poison into my fathers ear while he slept my father died a slow and painful death.

How could my uncle have done such a thing!!!!! He murdered his brother, his own flesh and blood but somehow, I always knew my Uncle was not a trustworthy man. NOT only did he took the kingdom from my father but his riches and most importantly his wife. It wasn't even a month and yet they still got married not caring for my father and repeatedly having sex on the same bed my father slept on. But alas, I must respect my fathers wishes and not harm my mother. In keeping his last wishes I promise and vow to revenge my fathers death, take back the kingdom and save my mother from the hands of that vile man I once called uncle and now father.